The tax-cut delusion

A second article suggesting a different approach to the UK’s 6 March spring Budget.

Many in and beyond the Tory Party seem to believe that lowering taxes is a cure to our economic ills. It’s time these tax-cut proponents stopped kidding themselves about the economic effects. A cut in personal or business taxes will not re-energise Britain’s entrepreneurial spirit or resolve its high-debt, low-growth malaise. The barriers holding back investment and innovation won’t be overcome with a reduction in income or corporation or inheritance tax. Britain’s economic slump is deep and protracted.

Yes, we can legitimately argue for lower taxes from the perspective of personal freedom. But lower taxes won’t raise productivity levels. That can only happen through the restructuring of our economy, by shifting resources away from low-productivity businesses into higher-productivity businesses that can provide better-paying jobs. That will require a wave of creative destruction, not fiddling with tax rates.

Read the full article here.